Vitamin B12 injections normalize B12 levels in the blood to ensure the ongoing production of new blood cells, body cells and proteins.
Vitamin B12 injections are given to prevent or manage a condition known as pernicious anemia and for other conditions that cause low levels of B12 in the blood.
The myth that vitamin B12 injections promote weight loss is not backed scientific evidence, according to experts at the Mayo Clinic.
Disposable needles are used to inject vitamin B12 shots into the muscle or just under the skin of the upper arm. Injections may be painful.
Studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, American Journal of Medicine, Lancet and Journal of the American Geriatric Society all found oral (supplemental) B12 to be as effective as injections
Time Frame
To treat deficiency, B12 shots must be given every day or every other day for up to a couple of weeks and then followed up with maintenance injections every one to three months thereafter, possibly for life.