Natural treatment for Weight Loss

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Best Places to Give Vitamin B12 Injections

Giving yourself or someone in your family an injection is not always easy. Vitamin B12 is often prescribed to be injected regularly. It is much more convenient to give the medication at home instead of going into a doctor's office several times a week. There are specific recommended sites for intramuscular tissue injections according to Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters, or CHKD. You should not self-inject B12 unless you understand how to give the injection.


Dispose of used syringes at home by making a used-syringe container. Dr. James Neubrander, M.D. works with B12 patients frequently and recommends they use a large metal coffee can for this purpose. To make one, cut two small slices in the lid and tape the lid onto the can securely with a lot of tape, for example, duct tape or masking tape. Place used syringes in the can through the sliced lid. Check with your local health department to find out if the cans can be discarded with regular home trash removal. Most cities allow for the disposal of personal medical waste in this manner.


Vitamin B12 is also injected into the upper part of the buttocks, according to Wellness Pharmacy, a compounding pharmacy in Birmingham, Alabama. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to verify this site is an acceptable site for your B12 injection and also to obtain instructions on how to safely inject the shot there.

The Upper Thigh

The outer part of the upper thigh is one of the most common injection sites for vitamin B12 shots because there is enough muscle and fat under the skin to help utilize the B12. The shot should be given in the middle portion of the upper leg and not too high up or too close to the knee. To find the right location, visualize an imaginary line dividing the upper leg in half. Place your hand on the line and slide it about half way around the outer part of the leg. Give the injection according to your doctor's instruction.


Always check with your doctor if you have any questions about giving yourself or someone else in your family injections. It is recommended to have someone with you when injections are administered in case of rare but potentially dangerous adverse reactions.

Other Sites

The upper, outer part of the arm in the deltoid muscle and the outer hip muscle called the ventrogluteal muscle are used for injection of B12. The hip is a good site for B12 injections because there is less danger of hitting nerves or blood vessels in this area.